Visual Kei
ビジ ュアル系
About: The term Visual-Kei refers to both the music genre and the subculture. Visual kei is a movement among Japanese punk/rock musicians and fans. Visual Kei is characterized by the use of varying levels of make-up, elaborate hair styles and flamboyant costumes, often, but not always, coupled with androgynous aesthetics, similar to Western glam rock.
Visual kei has enjoyed popularity among independent underground projects, as well as artists achieving mainstream success, with influences from Western phenomena, such as glam, goth and cyberpunk. The music performed encompasses a large variety of genres, i.e. punk, metal, pop and electronica. Magazines published regularly in Japan with visual kei coverage are Arena 37 °C, Cure, Fool's Mate Express, Shoxx, Shock Wave, Rock and Read among others. The popularity and awareness of visual kei groups outside Japan has seen an increase in recent years, mostly through internet and Japanese anime. [1]
Visual Kei Fashion is characterized by the color black and the often androgynous look, though the trend is changing slowly. Many clothes are designed to be worn by any genders, and the silhouette tends to be over sized. Makeups are heavy and many focused on dramatic eye liners. Colorful, bright hairs are also often seen, both in men and women.
Brands: Sex Pot, ACDC-RAG, H.Naoto, Hangry & Angry, Algonquins Magic, Square, HELLCATPUNKS, etc
Ambassadors: Visual Kei Bands (The GazettE, Larc en Ciel, Versailles, X Japan, Penicillin, etc)